Enneagram of 9 Personalities - Explained
What is the Enneagram of 9 Personalities?
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What is the Enneagram of 9 Personalities?
The Enneagram of Personalities, first introduced by Gurdjief (1866 – 1949), identifies 9 distinct personality types and characteristic emotional states to which the personalities are connected.
What is the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI)?
The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) is a questionnaires that allows the user to understand what enneagram personality type describes you best.
What is the Dominant and 2 Next Preferred Personality Types?
The Enneagram identifies one dominant type of innate personality type. Individuals also tend to show attributes of two other personality types - particularly when stressed.
What are the Nine Enneagram Personality Types?
Let’s understand each of the 9 personality types:
- The REFORMER: purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic.
- The HELPER: generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive.
- The ACHIEVER: adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious.
- The INDIVIDUALIST: expressive, dramatic, sagacious, and self-absorbed.
- The INVESTIGATOR: perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated.
- The LOYALIST: engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious.
- The ENTHUSIAST: spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered.
- The CHALLENGER: self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational.
- The PEACEMAKER: receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned.
What are the 3 Enneagram Centers?
The Enneagram personality types are divided into three Centers:
- Instinctive,
- Feeling, and
- Thinking center.
Each center highlights a type of emotion, which characterizes a personality type by how each personality type deals with this internal tendency.
What is the Instinctive Center of the Enneagram?
The Instinctive Center is characterized by anger or rage, and covers type 1,9 and 8:
1. Types one (reformers) try repressing or controlling their anger and instinctual energies. They have a highly developed inner critic.
9. Types nine (peacemakers) deny their anger and instinctual energies. They idealize their world and relationships as an escape of their dark sides.
8. Types eight (challengers) have no problem to express their anger and instinctual energies. Often they do this in a physical way, like raising their voices or moving more forcefully.
What is the Feeling Center of the Enneagram?
The Feeling Center is characterized by shame and covers type 2,3 and 4:
2. Types two (helpers) try to be liked by others to control their feelings of shame. They pursue themselves that they are loving people and repress their negative feelings.
3. Types three (achievers) avoid feelings of shame and fears of failure. They try to be accepted by performing well and becoming successful.
4. Types four (individualists) use their shame by focusing on their personal interests, unique talents and feelings and by fantasying a great romantic life.
What is the Thinking Center of the Enneagram?
The Thinking Center is characterized by fear and covers type 5,6 and 7:
5. Types five (investigators) are afraid of the outer world and their capability to deal with it. They become isolated loners trying to understand the world by gathering knowledge and trusting their own minds.
6. Types six (loyalists) experience the most fear among the Personalities of this Center by showing anxious and doubtful behavior. They do not trust their own minds, so to make them feel sure they constantly seek comfort outside themselves in relations, jobs, beliefs, authorities.
7. Types seven (enthusiasts) try to deny their feelings of pain or loss by distracting themselves with many activities and entertainments. They keep their mind filled up with possibilities and options in order to escape from their fears.